Host: Anna Morgan-Barsamian, MPH, RN, PMP, Senior Manager, Training & Education, NaRCAD
A conversation with Ryan Anderson, Academic Detailer, DISH-AZ, Arizona DHS Tag: Podcast Series, Gender-Affirming Care How can we ensure that every patient feels respected throughout their healthcare journey? Learn about the crucial importance of gender-affirming care and how AD can promote respectful, patient-centered healthcare for gender-expansive individuals. Listen to Ryan’s impactful personal story and vision for the future of gender-affirming care. (Click here for the audio transcription.)
Ryan Anderson serves as an Academic Detailer for DISH-AZ (Detailing for Improved Sexual Health in Arizona), a program of the Office of Evaluation and Partner Contracts for the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) at Arizona State University in partnership with the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services. Ryan worked as a microbiologist for 9 years in manufacturing settings and has quality assurance experience in clinical settings. In addition to professional experience, Ryan has 14 years of experience volunteering with organizations that serve the LGBTQ+ community. Ryan is passionate about improving health outcomes for those in the LGBTQ+ community.
Additional Materials from DISH-AZ: MSM Syphilis Toolkit Gender Expansive Care Toolkit Congenital Syphilis Toolkit Comments are closed.
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